
+39 0461 923330


MuseoNavarini Museum is a unique and extraordinary collection of round about three thousand copper manufactured articles. The articles’ age ranges from the sixteenth’s century to the second post-war period. The museum journey, in which all these items are exposed in, shows the history of this metal. More importantly it shows human history: one can see everyday life, magnificence, handcraft talent and skill.
Once, the sixteen-century stone vaults were a shed for cattle, later on buried by the fury of the stream Gola. Nowadays there is a suggestive atmosphere, where copper objects recall the echoes and noises of ancient handcraft shops. The varnished reflections and the warmth of this red metal bring back images of craftsmen from the past, working with it.
The extraordinary richness and heterogeneity of the proposed items is what characterize this Collection. It is the biggest ‘temple’ for copper in the world. Have a look around in the Museum rooms.